[NSRCA-dist1] NSRCA-dist1 Digest, Vol 47, Issue 5

learn2turn at yahoo.com learn2turn at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 25 11:49:15 AKDT 2014

It sure would be nice if at least one New England club could get something going with pattern.  It may be that the deal up here is that most fields just aren't suitable.  I don't think our field (MMAC) would be suitable for a contest. To date I've met in person only one pattern flyer from New England and heard from only one or two others on the net.  With so few pattern fliers, maybe it's also that there just isn't critical mass to get a club to hold an event.  If one or two guys in a club fly pattern, I could see why all the other club members might not want to give up the field for a weekend, or even a Saturday, for an event.

-Ken K.


One thing that might make pattern more interesting is if some of the top flyers talk to D1 RC club presidents and offer to go to the fields that have no pattern flyers and no contests and do some pattern demos.  Give the club some time to drum up interest in advance of the date and let the club members try to fly the sportsman sequence with the help of our traveling experienced pattern flyer; ie, a grass roots effort.  Even talk to the club presidents about hosting a pattern contest even if they have no active flyers just to throw that out there if the club has the facilities to support such an event.  This type of stuff has probably been discussed before but in my club of 100 members, it'd be all new to them.  My sportsman flying is hardly motivating, ;-)
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