[NSRCA-discussion] No telemetry rule & new radio systems

Tom Simes simestd at netexpress.com
Tue Nov 22 05:31:27 AKST 2011

On 11/22/11 05:04, Archie Stafford wrote:
> 	BODY { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; }
> Keep in mind on most of the telemetry I have read about and seen the
> battery warning given is the measured voltage coming into the
> receiver.  Running a regulated system this will not give a true
> battery status.
> 	I do agree with John though, that listing what is acceptable is
> probably much easier than what is not.
> 	Arch

I'd like to thank everyone for the very high quality of this discussion, 
it's really been illuminating so far.

My $0.02 would be to keep the rules minimal and allow some 
interpretation by the local CD in order to avoid re-writing the rule to 
keep up with the rapidly evolving technology.

Something like this?

"The use of telemetry in furtherance of safety is encouraged.  However, 
telemetry or feedback mechanisms may not be used to create an unfair 
advantage over other competitors.  Final determination of whether or not 
an unfair advantage exists is at the discretion of the CD and will 
result in <fill in penalty here>."

I would expect peer pressure to take care of the rest - in a similar 
manner as the noise and weight rules are handled at local contests today.


    "Z80 system stack overflow.  Shut 'er down Scotty, she's
          sucking mud again!" - Error message on XENIX v3.0

Tom Simes                                       simestd at netexpress.com

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