[NSRCA-discussion] Modelguard

Jon Lowe jonlowe at aol.com
Sun Aug 22 06:43:02 AKDT 2010

I don't know if anyone has seen this or not:


I basically performs the functionality of Spektrum/JR DSM's model match for Futaba and other 2.4 ghz systems, alerting you if you turn on your transmitter and you don't have the right plane selected in your model memory.  It plugs into an unused (or even used) channel of your receiver and looks for a particular subtrim value on that channel on power up.  You set each model to a different value.  It has a botton on it to memorize the value for a particular model.   It it doesn't match, it emits a continuous beep.  If it matches, it gives two short beeps.

The only issue is the price, $29.95 for one.  While that is a lot cheaper than a new airplane, I'd imagine that someone like Ed Alt could do it cheaper.

Jon Lowe

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