[NSRCA-discussion] Servo Signals

Bob Richards bob at toprudder.com
Mon Jun 22 09:06:21 AKDT 2009

Yes, as long as they are clean. That is the problem, it depends on contact between two components and the friction wears them out.
I remember years ago that the large heathkit (and possibly some Kraft) servos used variable capacitors for feedback. not much to wear.
Ok, Jay, how long ago were the "days" you were talking about? :-)  
Bob R.

--- On Sun, 6/21/09, Jay Marshall <lightfoot at sc.rr.com> wrote:

I remember from my days in control systems theory that the analog computers were faster and more accurate than the IBM big iron computers. Analog pots are still cheaper, lighter, and higher resolution than digital encoders – as long as they are clean…

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