[NSRCA-discussion] Arming plug manufacturer and source?

Bill's Email wemodels at cox.net
Thu Jun 11 11:36:23 AKDT 2009

mike mueller wrote:
>  I agree that the 5.5mm are the best but the 6mm bullets are about half the weight. Since weight means so much it becomes an important factor. Unless you fly the 2 designs out there that have no problem making weight but that's a whole can of whoop a----- that I don't want to rehash over and over again. I'm going to try Chad's 4MM idea next.
>  Plus the 5.5MM's are pricy. M2

The 5.5mm actually have more surface area than the 6mm do. A pair of 
5.5mm is 5 grams. A pair of 6mm is 4 grams. So for three sets the 5.5 
will cost you 3 grams of weight (0.106 ounces).

I buy my 5.5 bullets from Offshoreelectrics.com


I buy 10 pairs at  a time. $1.75 a pair that way. Dean's cost more than 


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