[NSRCA-discussion] Flash Poll - Relocate the Nats in 2010?

Tony tony at radiosouthrc.com
Fri Jul 31 08:02:58 AKDT 2009

You are correct in most all areas.  Some events don't really cost anything
else to run, as they are run in a 30 minute time frame during a day slot for
a larger event.  FF does this all the time.  They are important to host,
especially for the SIG, as it brings in more money to the SIG (special
interest group) that is hosting the event.  They get some of the event money
as well as some goes to AMA for staff work.  The equipment used, and all the
time put out by staffers (many AMA staff members work 6 to 7 days a week
during the NATS and cannot take vacation during this time)  Extra part-time
people are hired by HQ to handle the work load and take up the slack left by
staffers that are out working the NATS.  Their daily work has to be done as
well...  When you take in consideration the hours of labor that is billed to
NATS, we are in a negative.  Like I said, that is not a terrible thing, just
don't want to get that number too high.  

Tony Stillman, President
Radio South, Inc.
139 Altama Connector, Box 322
Brunswick, GA  31525
-----Original Message-----
From: nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
[mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of mike mueller
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 10:05 AM
To: General pattern discussion
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Flash Poll - Relocate the Nats in 2010?

 I think the reason the AMA losses money on the Nats is because it runs too
many events that have very poor participation. I suggest that everyone look
at the number of participants in a lot of obscure and obsoltete events These
numbers can usually be found in the Nats news reports.
 AMA losses money on the Nats? Then consider a number of participants that
must be met in each event for it to remain an event in the next years Nats.
 I view the AMA headquarters as the Mecca of Model Airplane flying. It's a
really great place that is being used for a lot of important events. I don't
see a lot broken with the way things are being done there. You can not
please all of the people all of the time. 
 I think competition is vitally important to the RC community as a whole and
it deserves a lot of attention. AMA is doing a very good job and I'd hate to
see it tore apart. My opinion, thanks for letting me express it. Mike

--- On Fri, 7/31/09, Tony <tony at radiosouthrc.com> wrote:

> From: Tony <tony at radiosouthrc.com>
> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Flash Poll - Relocate the Nats in 2010?
> To: "'General pattern discussion'" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> Date: Friday, July 31, 2009, 8:44 AM
> This just
> show me how much misinformation
> is out there.  I am on the AMA Executive
> Council.  There has been a
> concern about the NATS for a long time.  The AMA site
> is there for major
> events, not local events.  The NATS, IRCHA, XFC and
> others are the type of
> events that showcase modeling and are what we want to use
> the site for. 
> Many members that attend the NATS have expressed a desire
> to move the NATS
> around.  The council is considering this, and is
> looking into how it could
> be done.  Many want to see the NATS as a group event
> like it was 20 years
> ago.  That may not be possible as finding a site with
> everything you need
> is very difficult in today’s world. 
> If the NATS
> does not move and more major
> events are added, some local events may not be held at the
> site any longer due
> to time restraints.  If a weekend is open, anyone can
> schedule something
> there.  A local club event or even something like the
> D4-D5 shootout is
> welcome, as long as dates are available. 
> AMA looses
> money on the NATS.  That
> is not really a big issue, as competition is part of the
> mission of AMA. 
> However, HQ does get a lot of flack from non-competitors
> about them subsidizing
> competition with their dues.  Lower number recently in
> NATS total
> attendance is another concern.  Pattern is one of the
> bright spots at the
> NATS, but other events are not doing nearly as well as
> pattern.  Awarding
> someone a National Champion label is hard to feel good
> about when there were
> only 3 people competing
> Tony
> Stillman, President 
> Radio
> South, Inc. 
> 139 Altama
> Connector,
>  Box 322 
> Brunswick,
>  GA   31525 
> 1-800-962-7802 
> www.radiosouthrc.com
> From:
> nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
> [mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of Joe
> Sent: Friday,
> July 31, 2009 8:36
> AM
> Discussion List
> Subject: Re:
> [NSRCA-discussion]
> Flash Poll - Relocate the Nats in 2010? 
> It really
> isn't just about cutting costs either. It is
> also about other AMA membership complaining about the site
> not being available
> for their use. You would not believe the number of
> complaints AMA has had about
> the AMA site being tied up. That is why the overall Nats at
> the site has been
> shortened in length. 
> If you are on 72, better plan on moving over to SS in the
> future. I've heard
> rumours that the AMA has been considering making the AMA
> site SS only in the
> future.
> Date: Thu,
> 30 Jul 2009 20:57:16
> -0700
> From: homeremodeling2003 at yahoo.com
> To: nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org
> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Flash Poll - Relocate the
> Nats in 2010? 
>   This is really funny.
>   They want to bring the nats to 2 weeks to cut costs. I am
> sure they make
>   money the way it is. Take this for what it is, heresay,
> but  I heard
>   that the members of the club were complaining that the
> nats takes too much of
>   their time away from their field for them to fly.
> Wasn't the field built for
>   a localized nats site? And I'm pretty sure we all
> paid for it. The ama will
>   lose out if they go to a 2 weeks nats IMO. Wait till they
> see entry's
>   decline.  
>   Chris  
>   --- On Thu, 7/30/09,
> Tony <tony at radiosouthrc.com>
>   wrote: 
>   From: Tony <tony at radiosouthrc.com>
>   Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Flash Poll - Relocate the
> Nats in 2010?
>   To: "' General pattern discussion '"
>   <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
>   Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 12:55 PM
>   That is a
> possibility also.  AMA is
>   thinking about returning the NATS to a 2 week all-events
> NATS like used to be
>   done.  If all events are together, HQ can put all
> costs into one
>   effort.  If they are all split up, Each group would
> have more costs to
>   deal with due to the fact that HQ can’t send a
> group of people to every
>   site. 
>   Tony
> Stillman, President 
>   Radio
> South, Inc. 
>   139 Altama
> Connector,
>  Box 322 
>   Brunswick,
>  GA   31525 
>   1-800-962-7802
>   www.radiosouthrc.com
>   From:
>   nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
>   [mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org]
> On Behalf Of Tim Taylor
>   Sent:
> Thursday, July 30, 2009
>   3:39 PM
>   To: General
>    pattern discussion
>   Subject:
> Re: [NSRCA-discussion]
>   Flash Poll - Relocate the Nats in 2010?
>     It was done, It was called
>     Tim
>     --- On Thu, 7/30/09,
> Bill's Email <wemodels at cox.net>
>     wrote: 
>     From: Bill's Email <wemodels at cox.net>
>     Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Flash Poll - Relocate
> the Nats in 2010?
>     To: " General pattern discussion 
>     " <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
>     Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009, 2:06
> PM 
>     Why not allow the SIGS to do
> their own thing? IMAC
>     and NSRCA do not need to share a site. The LSF can find
> a site for the
>     soaring NATS. Pylon knows what venues work for them and
> so on. FF can do
>     their own thing as well. Why tie soaring and FF
> together and so on??
>     Tony wrote:  
>     Matt:
>     Yes, it is just difficult to tell if it is actually
> feasible
>     The problem is that it requires a large site for
> Pattern/Pylon/IMAC and
>     will require another large site for Soaring/Outdoor
> FF.  It may be
>     very difficult to actually find places that can handle
> this group. 
>     Tony
> Stillman,
>     President 
>     Radio
> South, Inc. 
>     139
> Altama Connector,
>     Box 322 
>     Brunswick,
>  GA   31525 
>      1-800-962-7802 
>     www.radiosouthrc.com
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