[NSRCA-discussion] This email list is flawed in my opinion.

Bill's Email wemodels at cox.net
Sat Dec 12 15:58:18 AKST 2009

I understand that, but seriously, just how much larger can a 2-meter 
plane get now?? Seem like fuse height is the only dimension left, hence 
my comment about a 2-meter high fuse.

So again, how much larger can a 2-meter plane get? Seems the worry is 
the 2-meter biplane with a 50cc engine.

Dave wrote:
> Bill and Dave B,
> Plenty of 2M airplanes existed prior to unlimited engine displacement...and
> they are no longer competitive today because bigger 2M plane exist.  When
> the engine displacement limit was removed, bigger 2M came to be, and grew to
> the point that they are up against the weight limit.  Remove or increase the
> weight limit, and the current 2M planes have plenty of room to grow in the
> 2M box.
> Regards,

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