[NSRCA-discussion] Inflight failure of a new Angels Shadow

Marty King mking46516 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 10 16:44:12 AKDT 2006

NSRCA List members,

I do not normally do something like this but everyone
at the D4-D5 shootout told me I should post this as
they saw first hand the evidence.

On June 1st 2006 I was 6 minutes into my first test
flight of a "brand new" Angels Shadow when the
complete tail section, both horizontal and vertical
surfaces, departed the airplane. 

I would appreciate it if you would go to my website
where I have a page setup with all the photos and
details along with my emails to Russia and their


If you are flying a Shadow built from 2004 until now
READ THIS PAGE! It may save you an airplane. If you
are considering purchasing a Shadow I would recommend
you not do so until they change their selection of



Marty King

AMA 9945 LM, CD
NSRCA 2551
President, AMA Chartered Club #3812

Angels Shadows

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