[NSRCA-discussion] NiMH follow up

Ed Deaver divesplat at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 26 20:57:15 AKST 2006

OK, for us non-electical whiz bang guys, please explain the C charge.  I have heard it before and tried what was suggested on RCU without success.
  My new NmHD pack is a 2200mah, 4 cell pack.  To condiditon it properly for first flights what should I do?  
  Does 1/10 C mean charge at 220 mah for 16 hrs??
  THanx for the explanation.

Michael Cohen <precisionaero at comcast.net> wrote:
  Thanks to those who helped me with the advice. The 1/10 C change was the 
answer. Both packs are happily at 1610-1690 capacity for their 1650 rating. 
I also visited an old friend's website, Electrodynamics in Michigan. They 
had an interesting write up on their website about NiCD (with a little NiMH 
sprinkled in). I used to buy all my switches, extensions, and battery packs 
from them when I lived in the Great White North. Their advice was 1/10 C 
also, but they had lots of other good info there as well. I recommend you 
take a look, unless your one of those Lithium people.

Mike Cohen 

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