[NSRCA-discussion] Electricity to the on-board radio system

Grow Pattern pattern4u at comcast.net
Mon Feb 13 15:54:18 AKST 2006

Triggered by the tease I wrote on the "Smoking li-Po" I remembered that way back I photographed Jason's Impact at the beginning of the National's. The FAI where he won.

In his plane I saw a small (900 mAh) Li-Poly that he was using to work the radio. I am/was not sure if the electric community were still doing this, or if they had passed on the tip.

I know that a separate battery has saved quite a few electric pattern panes already. You tend not to hear about the catastrophic motor/Li-Po failures from the sponsored guys. So for what it's worth here it is.

Also, I am running one of these 2-cell 7.4V packs in a six digital servo Great Planes 79" CAP 232. Still measuring the consumption. 

The pack weighs 1.33 oz BTW


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