INCIDENCE settings

Ron Van Putte vanputte at
Fri Sep 30 12:35:58 AKDT 2005

On Sep 30, 2005, at 12:39 PM, Bob Richards wrote:

> That is a pet peeve of mine as well.
> Remember the Hobie Hawk glider? It flew nose down -- WAY down. It was 
> designed that way. It was not a balance issue at all.

I do remember the Hobie Hawk and how it flew.

A J-3 Cub on a proper final approach looks nose-down as well, but many 
pilots won't let it come in that way.  As a result, they'll never enjoy 
a wheel landing on a Cub.

Ron Van Putte

> Ron Van Putte <vanputte at> wrote:
>> This discussion also tapped into one of my pet peeves: Guy sees an
>> airplane flying around with the tail low and announces, "That airplane
>> is tail heavy". Probably wrong. The incidence relationship between
>> the wing and the horizontal tail is probably incorrect. The CG has an
>> effect, but the condition is usually caused by a bad trim setup. Now I
>> feel better.
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