OS160FX crankshaft

Xavier Mouraux xavier.mouraux at sympatico.ca
Mon May 17 16:27:59 AKDT 2004

Hello guys,

When I started the OS160FX on my Hydeout on Sunday morning, it stopped right
away. While turning the prop by hand, I noticed it was really stiff. I was
going to replace the bearings this week but I didn't expected it would
become that stiff all of a sudden. I removed the engine from the plane and
opened the back plate but can't found anything wrong. I packed the Hydeout
and took the other airplane out to practice.

Once home, I dismantled the engine and was surprised to found the problem.
The crankshaft is cracked radially from a corner of the inlet port to about
half way on the other side.

The engine has been runnig very well since the beginning of the season for
about 30 flights. It had approximatly 80 flights in another airplane in the
last 2 years. The engine is still under warranty so my hobbyshop will try to
get it fixed.

Anyone had seen that before ?


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