More Webra problems

Michael Laggis fishgod at
Sat Jul 31 19:50:53 AKDT 2004

More Webra problemsGordon,
I am running the Mintor 170, New mintor aluminum pipe, Mintor Header, 17x13 full blade, on 15% cool power.  It has run like a swiss watch for 12 gallons.  Not one dead stick.  The motor is turning 8100+ and hauls the 10.6 lb. focus around like a rag doll. 

Michael Laggis
AKA Moose Boy
NSRCA 3618

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gordon Anderson 
  To: discussion at 
  Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 1:58 PM
  Subject: More Webra problems

  I thought I dad the Webra problems solved but this turns out not to be the case. Today I had 2 more dead stick landings. In over a dozen flights I have had only 3 power on landings. I'm done with this thing.

  I'm interested in recommendations for a replacement 2 stroke. I can't seem to find a OS 1.40RX. I have had good luck with the OS 1.60 but I don't want to hack up the fuse for the wrap around header. Anyone have feedback on the Mintor?

  If you are thinking about a webra, DON'T 

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