plumbing for Perry Pump setup

randy10926 at randy10926 at
Mon Dec 27 06:01:59 AKST 2004

I have been using a two line system and my colwing is already setup for a two line.  The vent line is the overflow and runs to an L in the cowling.  The main line with the clunk runs to a fuel filter and then the pump on the webra.  I have a break in the line between the clunk and the pump.  This break consists of two Ls and a piece of fuel tubing.  I have been breaking the line to fuel/de-fuel the plane.  That way the pump and carb on the Webra was not getting flooded during fuelings.

Would this still work for the perry V30?  Just run the line from the fuel filter to the perry pump and then from the perry pump to the needle valve?


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Yes, D&T the backplate to supply power to the pump.  If using an OS160, there is a neat fitting available from OS that replaces one of the backplate screws and provides a pressure tap.  It requires drilling into the bottom of one of the backplate screw holes, but is a really slick installation.

I use a three line setup.  One line with a clunk that goes to the pump.  Second line with no clunk pointed into the bottom rear of the tank for fueling.  Third line for the vent/overflow.   You cannot fuel/de-fuel through the pump, and if you put a T behind the pump, you will force fuel through the pump while fueling.  So, the three line makes the most sense so that you don't have to disconnect a fuel line for fueling.

The vent/overflow simply gets routed to the exterior of the plane.  The VP30 does not use a pressurized tank.

-----Original Message-----
From: discussion-request at [mailto:discussion-request at]On Behalf Of randy10926 at
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 8:23 AM
To: nvrc club list; discussion at @nsrca.
Subject: plumbing for Perry Pump setup

As my excelleron is ready for test flying,  I am making preparations for re-engining the Focus 2.  I am trying to thinking through the setup and plumbing for the use of a peryy pump, specifically the V30.

First need to tap the backplate for crank pressure, then ?

Would a two line system work?  What about the overflow?

Would a three line be better?  How would you set it up?

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