Worlds Judges, now Whats Really Important

Bob Richards bob at
Tue Dec 14 05:06:25 AKST 2004

Well spoken. My sentiments exactly.
This thread has proven something that I have always said, "If you want to find out what everyone is thinking, but nobody is talking, just suggest something that will totally p***** them off."  (Sorry, Ed!)
I can see both sides of this argument. I'm not going to join it. I've been out of the fray for a long time and I am sure everyone that has spoken about it knows a lot more about the subject than I do.
I may or may not applaud the results, but I do applaud any effort to fairly rank judges for the purpose of selecting a judge to send to the world champs. However, we need to stay focused on how to attract new pilots into the fray. I think effort spent in this area is many times more important than the effort put into how we pick one judge to go the world championship once every two years. I would even say that it is more important than how we pick the team of flyers that go.
It really bothers me when I go to a contest and there are no Novice (or whatever the entry-level name du-jour) pilots competing. Its really bad when there are no Sportsman (or whatever the next-level name du-jour). The different classes are a "pipeline" of potential world class flyers AND judges. This is much more important to the future of the hobby than any selection process for judges or pilots, IMHO.
BTW, I'm not complaining about the change of names for the classes. Those are just the names that I remember. The names have been changed many times before, and I am sure they will be changed again. I remember when there was a Pre-Novice class!! The name did not bother me at all when I flew in it.
Bob Richards

Gordon Anderson <GAA at> wrote:
I would like to make an observation. I'm not taking any sides in this issue but
it seems to me we often lose site of the fact that we fly toy airplanes and we
are supposedly doing this for fun. We talk a lot about how hard it is to keep
pattern fliers and to get new pilots involved, issues like this are the things
that will drive me away. This list, in my opinion, should present the best
possible face of the NSRCA. Heated exchanges like this one (world judge
selection thread) only hurt the organization.
Just my 2 cents worth as a relatively new pattern guy....

--Gordon Anderson, D8 VP

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