Motion to adopt.

Grow Pattern pattern4u at
Mon Dec 13 20:33:45 AKST 2004

           I assume that you just can't stop taking shots at me, see your opening sentence.  Really Derek this is completely unnecessary.  Can you try and be a bit more stately please. Just deal with the issues and questions rather than your opinion of me. (I think that they all know how you feel by now!).

The integrity of the running of NSRCA and the issues have to be more important than your personal feelings.

Of course the original motion was properly processed right at the end of on my watch. The plan set out to devise a system to select FAI judge or judges to recommend to the President of the AMA.. I re-quote the concept, "The process of selection of  judges will be determined by the Judge Certification Committee."   There were also clear specifications of just including FAI judging performances.  (You will note that It was proposed, seconded and voted upon). 

The plan stated that we would use FAI contest judging performance. It has since been changed. I still question whether the same process was followed?

I would also like to know the reason why the leadership of the NSRCA set out to replace Bob Noll. It did not seem to be necessary as he was already in the top tier?

I stand by my rights to say that it is perfectly valid for me to say that I don't support the currents system and say why. 

You invited us all to ask questions. I am a member of this society just like anyone else and would like you to treat me the same as any other member when I ask any member of the board what is going on and why.  

Eric Henderson. NSRCA 1345

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Derek Koopowitz" <derekkoopowitz at>
To: "NSRCA List" <discussion at>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 9:19 PM
Subject: FW: Motion to adopt.

> Just goes to show how some people have selected memory loss with regard to
> the judge evaluation program... Please read the quoted lines that RVP quoted
> below - Eric H. is VERY familiar with the judge selection process and was
> instrumental in getting it through the board of directors on 12/10/2002.
> Why is he questioning it now when he proposed its vote?  Oh I get it... It's
> election time!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Van Putte [mailto:vanputte at] 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 9:41 AM
> To: officers at
> Cc: Tony Stillman
> Subject: Re: Motion to adopt.
> [NSRCA Officers]
> I second the motion.
> As I explained at the Nats board meeting, Tony Stillman, Matt Kebabjian, Don
> Ramsey and I have hammered out the skeleton of the judge evaluation program.
> Here is an excerpt of the VP's column I submitted for publication in the
> December K-Factor which did not get published. 
> However, it will be in the January issue, unless there's another slipup.
> "Two months ago I wrote that one topic that Tony Stillman would want to take
> care of when he takes office as president will be to continue development of
> a judge rating system for selection of judges for future F3A world
> championships.
> "Tony Stillman, Matt Kebabjian and I (with counsel from Don Ramsey) have
> been working on a judge rating system to rank judges, based on their
> performance in Nats and F3A Team Selections.  We are almost at the point of
> making the results available.  Matt has built the computer program to
> perform the evaluation and Tony has obtained the results of recent Nats and
> F3A Team Selections and loaded them into the program.  The questions we are
> currently wrestling with is how many competitions to include and how many
> judging performances are required for a judge to be seriously considered to
> represent the U.S. at world championships?  For example, should we use the
> last three/four Nats and the last two/three Team Selections?  If we say,
> three Nats and two Team Selections, how many times must a judge have judged?
> Twice?  Three times?  If someone judged all five times, do we take the best
> two/three performances?  We're still pondering all these questions.  The
> objective of the whole process is to get more people involved and qualified
> for WC judging, as well as get the evaluation procedure and results out in
> the open so there is no appearance of a "good old boy" selection process."
> Ron Van Putte
> Henderson,Eric wrote:
> > [NSRCA Officers]
> >  NSRCA board,
> >               This is a motion to adopt an FAI world champions judge
> > nomination process that was explained at the July 2002 board on the NSRCA
>> process to recommend FAI USA judges to the AMA.
> >
> > Tony Stillman proposed that we use scoring records to rate and rank
> > the FAI judging candidates. I think that this is by far the best way to
> do  > things and is superior by far to what I do today. I just chose the
> names of  > three people who I think can do the job. If you all approve the
> rating idea  > in as a process then Tony and Don Ramsey can act on it
> immediately to  > address the pressing need for our contribution.
> >
> > Tony, At my request sent me these words that I am using as the actual  >
> motion..
> >
> > "The NSRCA will select three judges to submit to the AMA for them to
> present  > to the FAI as judges for the calendar year.  The process of
> selection of  > judges will be determined by the Judge Certification
> Committee."
> >
> > Do I have a second?
> >
> > If this is seconded please vote by this Friday  >  > Regards,  >  > Eric.
> >
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