Brief (Re: NSRCA Formal Announcement)

Rcmaster199 at Rcmaster199 at
Wed Sep 24 19:36:27 AKDT 2003

Dave, the answer to your first question is no, fairly often. The best fliers 
often don't compete at the local level and can't accumulate enough points.

second question: the answer is also no I think if the person doesn't fly well 
also and beat some folks

third: also no I think, but it also could mean this gregarious person
 is very popular and scores big
 often winning local events

fourth and fifth: don't know 

sixth: the DC is a good way to promote PA competitive flying in any district. 
To me the DC isn't a single contest, at least not in my district. It 
definitely rewards existing NSRCA members in D3, for entering enough contests and 
doing well in them


> Subj:Brief (Re: NSRCA Formal Announcement) 
> Date:9/24/2003 11:06:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
> From:<A HREF="mailto:davel322 at">davel322 at</A>
> Reply-to:<A HREF="mailto:discussion at">discussion at</A>
> To:<A HREF="mailto:discussion at">discussion at</A>
> Sent from the Internet 
> Is a District Champion the individual who is the best flyer in the District?
> Is a District Champion the individual that attends the most contests (this 
> could be viewed as "buying" the Championship)?
> Is a District Champion the individual who provides the most manpower and 
> support to pattern functions in the District?
> How many NSRCA members are members solely to "buy" a District Championship?  
> How many past members have dropped out of the NSRCA when (for whatever 
> reason) 
> they were not going to be in the race for a District Championship?
> Is a District Championship program the correct vehicle for growing the 
> NSRCA?  
> Or rewarding existing members?
> Obviously, opinions will vary, and the needs/mechanisms best suited / most 
> effective are not going to be the same in all geographies (because of many 
> factors, including the actual geography).
> Regards,
> Dave Lockhart

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