Brief (Re: NSRCA Formal Announcement)

Lamar Blair l.blair at
Thu Sep 25 14:36:42 AKDT 2003

I agree Matt I have kept the points in out district "3" for many years now and the point system works very well. We may have some better pilots in out district but if they do not compete them does that still mean they are better. I check the membership of the pilots and only list the ones that are NSRCA members on the website but I also contact the ones that are not members and work on getting them to join. I will just use the Masters class for instants the last three years the pilots that wins at the DC is the District Champion for that year and we even had a fly off one year. I guess what I am saying some systems out there that work.



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rcmaster199 at 
  To: discussion at 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:36 PM
  Subject: Re: Brief (Re: NSRCA Formal Announcement)

  Dave, the answer to your first question is no, fairly often. The best fliers often don't compete at the local level and can't accumulate enough points.

  second question: the answer is also no I think if the person doesn't fly well also and beat some folks

  third: also no I think, but it also could mean this gregarious person
  is very popular and scores big
  often winning local events

  fourth and fifth: don't know 

  sixth: the DC is a good way to promote PA competitive flying in any district. To me the DC isn't a single contest, at least not in my district. It definitely rewards existing NSRCA members in D3, for entering enough contests and doing well in them


    Subj:Brief (Re: NSRCA Formal Announcement) 
    Date:9/24/2003 11:06:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
    From:davel322 at
    Reply-to:discussion at
    To:discussion at
    Sent from the Internet 

    Is a District Champion the individual who is the best flyer in the District?

    Is a District Champion the individual that attends the most contests (this 
    could be viewed as "buying" the Championship)?

    Is a District Champion the individual who provides the most manpower and 
    support to pattern functions in the District?

    How many NSRCA members are members solely to "buy" a District Championship?  

    How many past members have dropped out of the NSRCA when (for whatever reason) 
    they were not going to be in the race for a District Championship?

    Is a District Championship program the correct vehicle for growing the NSRCA?  
    Or rewarding existing members?

    Obviously, opinions will vary, and the needs/mechanisms best suited / most 
    effective are not going to be the same in all geographies (because of many 
    factors, including the actual geography).


    Dave Lockhart

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