CTE ("redneck" translation)

randy10926 at comcast.net randy10926 at comcast.net
Wed Dec 3 07:51:20 AKST 2003

This is great.  I am starting to get a handle on the issue.  Keep it coming.

> >In a message dated 12/2/2003 1:07:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> >jbudd at QNET.COM writes:
> >
> >[Note to Robert Gainey:  The "Geek Alert" is now in effect!]
> >
> >By the way . All that geek language went right over my head. Quess 
> >I'll just stick with the ole redneck method of movin that trim 
> >thingy as required !
> >
> >Robert ( redneck ) Gainey
> Hey RRG,
> Sorry about that Geek-Speak thing!
> I'll translate what I wrote into "redneck" to make it easier to unnerstan':
> Remember - You did say I was a "closet redneck"!   : )
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> OK, I'll take a shot at it. Usin' th' coefficient of thermal 
> expanshun thet Gray suggested fo' fiberglass of 6.5E-6 in/in F wif a 
> 50 degree F temperature swin' an' a 40" equivalent fuselage len'th 
> (pow'ful pushrod len'th on account o' we is assumin' th' pushrod is 
> carbon fiber wif a coefficient of thermal expanshun of zero) ah git 
> th' same diffruntial expanshun of 0.013" thet Jeff did, cuss it all 
> t' tarnation. Usin' a large MK ho'n (~1-1/4" height) an' a 1/2" thick 
> elevato' leadin' edge yields a hingi point t'pushrod attachment point 
> distance of 1.5". Takin' th' arcsin(0.013/1.5) = 0.49 degree elevato' 
> defleckshun! Fry mah hide!
> Guys, ha'f of a degree trim change on an elevato' is a lot! Fry mah hide!
> ah cain't state it in terms of how menny clicks of trim thet is 
> (thet'd depend on how yer [digital] trim sensitivity is set), but ah 
> can tell yo' thet most of mah planes is set up wif +/- 10 t'12 
> degrees of elevato' throw. When usin' mah laser system t'set up th' 
> surface defleckshuns usin' th' radios indpoint adjestment th' bess 
> resolushun ah see at th' surface is ~0.075 t'0.1 degree. Th' laser 
> system is accurate t'somewhut better than 0.05 degree (1/20th of a 
> degree), but th' scale kin only be easily interpolated t'thet. Thet 
> equates t'~ 5 t'7 bits of comman' resolushun t'trim out (assumin' 
> thet yo' kin set yer radio's digital trims t'output one bit per trim 
> input).
> Disclaimer: YMMV
> Less digress a bit.
> [Note t'Billy Bob Gainey: Th' "Geek Alert" is now in effeck! Fry mah hide!]
> Whuffo' is th' servos resolushun wo'se than th' comman' resolushun? 
> Eff'n yo' set yer ATV t'150% an' yer servo moves +/- 45 degrees yer 
> servo has a max resolushun of 90 degrees/1024 bits = 0.088 
> degrees/bit. So we is pow'ful servo limited, cuss it all t' 
> tarnation. Lets look at this hyar t'other way. Eff'n yo' haf a 10 bit 
> resolushun system (1024 steps) an' yer usin' 2/3rd's of yer 
> resolushun (on a JR thet'd be equivalent t'leavin' yer trace rate set 
> at 100%) t'drive yer surfaces +/- 15 degrees th' minimum theo'etical 
> surface defleckshun yo' c'd comman' is 0.044 degrees/bit. But as 
> shown above yer servos is only fine t'~ 0.09 degrees at th' servo 
> output wheel, o' about ha'f of th' comman' resolushun. Agin, we is 
> limited by th' servo resolushun.
> Jim Oddino, yo' out thar? Wanna check mah numbers?
> Jeremiah
> -- 
> ___________
> Jerry Budd
> mailto:jbudd at qnet.com
> =====================================
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