Fuel Weights?

Bjorn Lehnardt blehnardt at att.net
Wed Aug 27 12:10:04 AKDT 2003

> .....It comes out to $12 per gal
> for 20%, and $1 less for each 5% less per gallon. 0% is only $8 per gal
> way. I sometimes wonder if the guys using expensive oil & gasoline are
> really spending less.

With the current price of gasoline it costs about $2.25/gal to fly a gas
with full sythetic oil.  Most gas engines will last 1000 years (in YS years,
like dog years) on plain old Wal Mart oil if that's what you want to do.

The guys running theYS DZ are paying what,
roughly $18/gal for low viscosity, high nitro fuel?  What is the cost per
gallon after you pay shipping, hazmat fees etc?

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