K-Factor Pattern an invisible group

Ron Van Putte vanputte at nuc.net
Thu Oct 31 11:20:20 AKST 2002

I've been reading about the hard time some of you have gotten from your 
intrenched clubs' group of 'non-Pattern' pilots.  I have had two 
completely different reactions by local pilots.  My 'home' club is the 
Eglin Aero Modellers.  I have been involved with Pattern within this 
club for just over 30 years(!).  I have gotten nothing but positive 
responses from club members.  I have been the C.D. for our Pattern 
contests for most of those years and it was not uncommon to have 30+ 
non-Pattern-flying club members helping to put on the contests.

Contrast that with a club, called the Holley Flyers who fly at Holley 
OLF (a U.S. Navy auxilliary field) near Navarre, FL.  If the site name 
is familiar, it is because it was the site of the 1999 F3A Team 
Selection Finals and the 1999 F3A World Championships.  Since it is an 
active Navy field, access to the field is limited to weekends and 
federal holidays.  During preparations for both events, we had work 
parties preparing the site every two weeks for over six months.  We had 
work party volunteers from the Northwest Florida Modelers (Tony 
Stillman's club) and my club.  The Northwest Florida Modelers members 
had to drive about 30 miles to help; my club members had to drive about 
45 miles.  We never had any volunteers from the club on whose site the 
events were held!  Further, few club members even went to the field when 
the events were held and none of them lifted a hand to help.  All they 
did was whine later that 'their' field had been appropriated by 'those 
Pattern fliers' for three weekends that year.

Can you top this?  I hope not.

Ron Van Putte

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