Weight Limit/cost

GeorgeF. av8tor at flash.net
Tue Nov 12 04:33:40 AKST 2002

At 06:08 AM 11/12/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Just to confirm this:
>I am currently building a Synergy
>Kit cost $875
>Engine $500, YS 1.40 L
>Header $40
>4 digital servos $360
>Paint and Monokote $100?
>Ball bearing controls $40
>Pilot $10
>Wheels $30
>Add another misc $100 and you have a total of $2055
>And this is with top equipment. Have not purchased a pipe yet and the
>throttle servo is a 132 from my inventory.
>Eliminate the ballbearing hardware, and digital servos and you're back
>under $2000.
>Terry T.

Ops, you forgot the Transmitter/receiver/battery pack.  Planes don't fly 
without them.   I'm sure you're using atleast a $500.00 - $1500 radio.


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