WAS - KFactor Now "Members"

Mark Wendt wendt at kingcrab.nrl.navy.mil
Sat Nov 2 06:33:36 AKST 2002


         I understand that.  I write for an on-line magazine as a 
contributing editor (non-paying also, I do it because I enjoy it, and I 
have the background to be able to write on the subjects we publish on), and 
I know how hard it is sometimes to get articles written by members of the 
group.  Writing a technical article is no small task, and one of the most 
important factors in writing an article such as this, is knowledge of the 
subject.  Second most important factor, is being able to communicate the 
knowledge in a way that your audience understands.  Go the opposite way 
with either one of these factors, and your audience turns off on the 
article immediately.  This is where the veterans that have been 
building/flying for a long time can really help out.  I've belonged to this 
list for a few years, and I have to say that I've never really seen a push 
from anyone on the list to get some of the most knowledgeable pattern folks 
to submit something to the K-Factor.  I don't know enough, haven't proven 
myself enough to be able to write an article as an authority on some phase 
of pattern.  Yet there are many folks on this list that have proven 
themselves in the arena, in the shop, or instructing others that have the 
basis for writing a good article.  Looking at the postings on the list over 
the last few years, many of these folks know how to write fairly well, 
too.  With a little editing help, many of you could get an article together.

         Contest reports, while for some people are very informative, to me 
are utterly boring, and if the issue's contents are comprise mostly of 
these, it goes into the recycling bin.  Much the same as I do with Model 
Aviation.  Maybe I'm selfish, but I really can't generate any interest in 
what someone else did in a contest 2000 miles away from me.  I think the 
NSRCA would be much better served by posting the individual contest results 
on each district's web site.  Number one, it'd be more timely.  Number two, 
only the interested parties need look up the results.

         If the only reason the K-Factor is(was) produced on a monthly 
basis was to display the contest results, then go back to a newsletter 
format.  On the other hand, if we want it to hold other content, and that 
content arrives at the editors desk slowly, why put out a K-Factor on a 
monthly basis.  Put it out quarterly, or even every other month,and really 
have a nice publication filled with good content, posting contest results 
on the web sites.

         Food for thought.


At 09:04 AM 11/2/02 -0500, you wrote:
>People forget that the K-factor is only a newsletter, not a magazine with 
>payed contributors. It is very difficult for VP's to get it up every month 
>to write an article. Fortunately, contest results help relieve some of 
>that demand. If you want more technical content write an article with 
>pictures and submit it to the K-factor. Haven't seen much in writing 
>content from other than the Officers, since I've been a member. Writing a 
>monthly column for free is a lot of work and is in my mind on of the prime 
>reason VP's don't last longer. Having been a club Secretary/Newsletter 
>Writer/Editor in the past I can really sympathize with these guys having 
>to try and muster something up every month.
>Member since the late 80's through thick and thin,
>Joe Lachowski
>NSRCA 330

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