K-Factor Pattern an invisible group

Chris Larson csmulti at volcano.net
Fri Nov 1 06:03:52 AKST 2002

Hello All-
I don't deny the results of the poll re: cost prohibitive, but I would
observe it is probably more of a "perspective" issue.  As one just getting
into it ( I fly Sportsman in Northern Cal with a cheap ARF ), I think it's
all relative to your interest level.
When I go to the field and see these same guys flying IMAA planes, or even
expensive ARF's, you know these guys have at least $1000 tied up in it.  But
it doesn't bother them, because they enjoy it.  If they had the same
enjoyment for Pattern, I suspect money would not be the issue.  Case in
point - I am building a Typhoon 2+2 with an OS 160FX in it.  Not the most
expensive setup, but with a family and being self employed, all money
matters.  Point is, I enjoy it, so I am doing it.  Where there is a will,
there is a way!  Just like when the latest and greatest IMAA legal ARF or
kit comes out, these guys won't bat an eye at the cost, they just find a way
to do it.
As a group maybe we need to put less emphasis on equipment to beginners, and
more on just piquing their interest in performing precision aerobatics.
Once the seed is planted, it will probably grow on it's own.  It's worked
for me!
Later All,
Chris Larson
NSRCA 3484

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