[NSRCA-dist8] DVP

Bill Bowen paternjock at aol.com
Tue Oct 13 15:04:42 AKDT 2020

I concur with John taking over, but do want to thank you very much for all of your hard work. You have been vey professional, participative, well organized, and a real pleasure to work with.
I certainly look forward to working and participating with you in the future.
Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Art Kelly via NSRCA-dist8 <nsrca-dist8 at lists.nsrca.org>
To: AK, ID, MT, OR, WA, WY <nsrca-dist8 at lists.nsrca.org>
Sent: Tue, Oct 13, 2020 11:55 am
Subject: [NSRCA-dist8] DVP

Fellow D-8 pilots,
2021 is just around the corner. Planning for the new season is underway and, in that regard, I need to inform everyone that while I will serve through December I am able to continue as VP for the district in 2021. It's important that the next person "in the chair" should have an opportunity to get a head start. I have approached John Bentley about the possibility of his assuming the position. John has graciously agreed to step into the role. However, to respect the input of all D-8 pilots I would like to receive your confirmation that you endorse John's taking on the job. 
Secondly, thanks for the many responses to the suggestion of adding contests in 2021. It's clear that many of us have concerns about having to travel long distances to participate in district contests. The underlying consideration in offering more contests is the decline in pattern participation. (This is occurring in all NSRCA districts.) Over the past several years we have seen that our newer pilots jumped into the water after seeing one of our contests at their home field.  With that in mind, John and I discussed the possibility of adding a contest in Washington and another in Oregon for a total of eight. At all locations and especially new locations efforts would be made to invite locals to come see the event. We would ask D-8 pilots to make the effort to get acquainted with the locals and to describe the elements of pattern flying.  Perhaps even to provide a lunch-time window for some brief buddy box flying.
Structuring the season in this manner would enable some much needed recruiting while producing a competitive  season. The district champions in each class would be based on the best scores of (five or six?) contests. This would enable pilots to schedule events while avoiding longer trips.
As always, these are not mandates but an attempt to generate ideas and address needs in our hobby and our district. Please share your thoughts on this approach. 
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