[NSRCA-dist8] D-8 Contests

Art Kelly afkelly25 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 08:47:35 AKDT 2020

Fellow pilots,

These are trying times for all of us. I’m sure we’ve all adopted habits
that would have seemed senseless just four weeks ago.

All districts in the NSRCA  community are in a quandary. Contests are being
canceled or rescheduled. The prospects for the annual NATS are dim. The AMA
reports that other SIGs are having similar reactions. This is a Pattern
team trial year and there is some discussion about holding the trials later
in the year.

Yesterday I held a conference call with the CD’s of this year’s D-8
contests. It was the consensus that we must proceed with caution and we
agreed that we should cancel the first two contests of our season, Richland
and Beck’s field. We will regroup in early May to assess the status of the
virus and whether we can proceed with remaining contests.

We should all appreciate that our contests are possible through the various
clubs that make their facilities available to for 3-4 days out of their
flying season. And, in turn, they value our presence as an important source
of income for their treasury.  We are encourage all our D-8 pilots to
consider sending a small contribution to clubs where our contest is being
canceled. At this juncture that would be the Richland club. (Becks is a
private field) The Richland Club has a Pay Pal account and Bill Bowen will
forward the information to me enable these contributions.

And, of course, the most important message; please continue to be safe and
attentive to your health and that of your families.


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