[NSRCA-dist8] Judging seminar

Patrick Harris harris7148 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 22:54:06 AKST 2014

OK guys we have the judging seminar confirmed for April 12th at the same
location as last year (thanks to Ray) in Wilsonville. Start time to be
determined, but I would assume 9:00. I will get the times on the D8 event
list ASAP. If the weather holds, we will get out to the field on Sunday for
hands on training as well for those that can stick around. If we have time
we might even have a mini contest with one round flown to put into practice
what we learned. You can go on the NSCRA calendar and pre register for the

It looks like we will have a good number of Classic planes at our contest
this year and remember, we are keeping things light as far as criteria:

No year restriction (pre 1985 preferred)
60 class planes or smaller
6 cell maximum for electric
Pipes and retracts allowed

We will fly two classes; Novice and Advanced. The guys in D7 are doing
pretty much the same thing and have had guys fly sport and small pattern
planes like the 62 inch Osiris in their lower class with no issues.

One last item. If you haven't checked it out, Gordon has set up a really
great event calendar on the D8 site that has links to all the contest for
pre registration. Please take advantage of the pre registration feature as
it really helps the CD's

Let the contest season begin!

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