[NSRCA-dist8] Vanquish wanted

Raymond C. Gauthier rc.gauthier at comcast.net
Fri Jun 7 17:27:27 AKDT 2013

Hi everyone,


I've been pretty quiet so far this season.  I came back from AZ the first
week in April and had knee replacement surgery on April 10th.  I'm confident
the knee will be a blessing in the years to come but the rehab process is
one of the most difficult things I've done. Last Wednesday I flew for the
first time.  Only the third or fourth time I've ever flown the new Advanced
sequence and was I terrible.  We are going out to give it another try
tomorrow morning.  I'm not sure if either my knee or my flying will be ready
for Redmond, but for sure I will fly in the Molalla contest.  Which brings
me to a question.  I am flying a 2-meter electric conversion of a NE
Sailplanes Aquilla.  It actually flies reasonably well, but has some
shortcomings.  Does anyone know of a ready to fly  or NIB Vanquish for sale?
I'd prefer ready to fly since I'd need to buy everything for it anyway and
my knee limits my building stamina.  If you have a lead for me please email
rc.gauthier at comcast.net or better yet call my cell at (503) 260-4137.

Thanks, and see you in Redmond or Molalla,

Ray Gauthier 

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