[NSRCA-dist8] 2013-14 Masters update

J N Hiller jnhiller at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 24 17:54:55 AKDT 2012

We've had assume flying weather here. I've missed two days since going to
Richland. Looks like the nice weather will hold for over a week yet, we'll
Snap rolls, Yes you've all herd more than you ever wanted to know about snap
rolls. Here's my story.
I'm a single rate flier and I thumbed the 1 1/2 positive horizontal snap on
the old triangle using full control deflection, but it didn't work in the 45
down (Cuban 8). I didn't have enough control authority without prop-wash so
I decided to commit one of the TX snap functions to deal with it rather than
start using dual rates. In the process of setting throws it occurred to me
that un-balancing the aileron deflection would result in an angled roll
center walking the nose in a circle resembling a stalled wing snap roll.
It worked well; settings - 130% elevator, about 85% rudder, 90% L-aileron
and 35% R-aileron deflection, slow and manageable. I probably need to tweak
the throws some more and I will probably do the same with the single
horizontal inverted snap (top hat) as well.
Its what it looks like that counts not how you got it to do it.
For what its worth!

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