[NSRCA-dist8] scoring

Gordon Anderson gaa at owt.com
Sat May 7 06:02:12 AKDT 2011


I would like to hear your thoughts on a couple of issues about the scoring program.

As you all know my scoring program always shows 4 of 6 rounds when the standings are reported during the contest. This means as the event proceeds no rounds will be dropped until we fly the 5th round. 
The guys in D7 that use my program would prefer a different display mode during the event as defined below:
Rounds flown		Rounds used 
1					1
2					2
3					2
4					3
5					4
6					4
To keep things simple I would like to use the same procedure here in D8, are you all ok with this?

Also I have added three normalization schemes to the scoring program:
1.) Normalize to the maximum round score. This is the default mode we always use and the AMA rule book mode.
2.) Normalize to the average of all pilots for each round. This is a mode one of the guys in D7 wants to try, interesting!
3.) No normalization, use raw scores.

So for fun at the contests we can see what the impact would be of different modes by just selecting each option and printing the results. I am not proposing that we do it any different than before but it will be fun to see the affect. I have heard a lot of speculation about using no normalization so now we can see!


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