[NSRCA-dist7] NSRCA District 7 issues

Jon Carter joncarter60 at comcast.net
Sun May 8 18:50:47 AKDT 2016

As we are all aware, there has been a great deal of turmoil in our district
recently. This has led to some very unfortunate consequences. I would like
to address two main points.

The usage of the NSRCA district email list is a privilege. This list is for
discussion and conversation regarding pattern issues in and about our
district. There is never any room on this list for personal attacks, or
publishing any personal information in a negative vein. Disagreements and
reasoned arguments are fine. Just please do not devolve into personal
attacks. Going forward if a thread goes into personal and non-pattern
related issues, I will ask the list moderator to intervene. If this does not
stop the negative postings, I will warn the offending parties. If they still
pursue personal attacks I will notify them that I will ask the NSRCA Board
of Directors to initiate the removal procedure as outlined in our bylaws.
Believe me, I have no desire to ever be required to take that step, so
please keep all postings civil and free of personal attacks or personal

As you are all aware, our D7 vice president John Bentley, has resigned. I
have had several long talks with him and I have reluctantly accepted his
resignation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank John for
stepping up and taking on the position to foster and guide pattern in
district 7. John has always acted honorably and with the best interests of
pattern in our district as his guiding principle. According to our NSRCA
bylaws it is now my responsibility as President to select a member to fill
out the remainder of John's term. I have had discussions with multiple
members from all across our district and there was a concurrence that this
person would be an excellent choice if he would accept. I asked him and he
stepped up and said he would accept the challenge. I then proposed his name
to the NSRCA Board of Directors and he was unanimously approved. I am
pleased to announce that Chris Fitzsimmons is our new NSRCA District 7 vice
president. Please give him your support and understand that he is assuming
this position almost halfway into our contest season. Let's give him some
time to come up to speed in the position. 


Thank you and let's go back to building pattern!

Jonathan Carter - NSRCA President


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