[NSRCA-dist7] Clarification on FAI maneuver 1

Scott scottcov at comcast.net
Fri May 2 19:46:08 AKDT 2008

So the center of a 2 of 4 is?  Start of knife edge?  End of knife edge?

Actually, the center is the middle of the KE.. by definition, ANY point
roll, the center is center of N-1 points. So in a 2 point roll the center is
the middle of the 1st point. The 'problem' here is that the upright portion
of the maneuver is not considered a 'point'. So, in a true 2 point roll,
starting upright, rolling inverted (point 1), then rolling back upright
(point 2), the center is 2-1 or 1, or the center of the 1st point. I don't
agree with this, but this is the criteria as explained to me by the judging
committee. (the above is how I understand it. It's hard for me to defend
this point of view as I don't agree with it!)

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