[NSRCA-dist1] Taking my own advise...

John Pavlick jpavlick26 at att.net
Wed Aug 20 08:04:21 AKDT 2014

That's exactly what you need to do - excellent. Unfortunately you may only
get one or two people interested but that's better than nothing. What you'll
find is that although many people think pattern is "too easy" or "boring"
because they can do all of the individual maneuvers, they can't actually fly
an entire sequence in the box. Those that rise to the challenge will stick
with it however. All you need to do is find those people. J


John Pavlick

Cell: 203-417-4971



Integrated Development Services


From: NSRCA-dist1 [mailto:nsrca-dist1-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of
lucky macy via NSRCA-dist1
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 11:34 AM
To: nsrca-dist1 at lists.nsrca.org
Subject: [NSRCA-dist1] Taking my own advise...


I forwarded Sal's attachment to the AGS pattern meet to my RC club's
distribution list with the following text.  Sure it's a long shot attempt to
drum on any and all interest but if we sent out more similar emails with the
flyer to the rest of the D1 clubs then who knows, maybe we'll get one or two
more sportsman to give it a shot next month.  Worth the effort I think.


Hello fellow club members.  Here's a flyer to our Districts last pattern
contest of the summer.  Happens to be the longest  running contest in the
country, maybe George Washington and Ben Franklin took some time off to fly
there, who knows.
If anyone is remotely interested in me helping them learn to fly the entry
level routine and attend I'd be very willing to help out.  Just send me an
email.  If you want to learn how to fly the entry level pattern but don't
want to attend that's no problem either.
You can fly the entry level with any airplane, any engine type, no weight,
size or noise limits, etc.  In other words, you can fly pretty much any
sport plane and be competitive. 
It's a fun group and even though it sounds competitive it's actually way
more of a social group that goes out of their way to help out anyone showing
up for contests, especially first timers.  You'd be amazed how they
generally will bend over backwards to make newcomers feel welcomed and
Anyway, if you want to learn how all those great fixed wing flyers like
jason shulman, chip hyde or the current generation like andrew jewsky got
their talent/skills, give pattern flying a shot.

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