[NSRCA-dist1] 2015 contests - preliminary list (to be confirmed)

Dana Beaton danamaenia at me.com
Wed Aug 20 03:19:45 AKDT 2014

Hi guys, I thought we might start a preliminary list of 2015 contests which we can confirm in the New Year, but at least we won’t be starting from scratch then.

The LVRCS will be changing contest dates and formats based on contestant feedback.  We are now looking at the weekend following Pocono to hold a one-day AMA contest on Saturday 6/27, followed by a one-day Classic contest on Sunday 6/28.  This will not be finalized until the November executive committee meeting, but the LV leadership has already agreed in principle to these changes.  We are, of course, assuming that Pocono continues on 6/20-21, and should that change we will revisit the LV schedule accordingly.  In any case, I have asked that we abandon the week before the Nats due to low turnout and my need to prioritize around the Nats in July.  (The sun glare and corn crop height issues constrain us to a very narrow date range between Pocono and the Nats.)

CD’s please feel free to add to this thread if you find this helpful.  Cheers!  Dana

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