[NSRCA-discussion] Yes, I’m aware patternscoring is down

Peter Vogel vogel.peter at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 16:43:21 AKST 2024

I was hoping it would be a minor issue, but I fear some tech debt here has caught up to me.  I wrote this using a pretty early version of the react library and when AWS restarted the server about a month ago it could no longer find packages it depends on.

I’m working on it, but I suspect it will be faster both now and in the future for me to rewrite (hey, the original was written on a plane ride to the NATS) in modern typescript with some of the newer frameworks around react itself.

Please be patient!  I’ll work on it as time allows on weekends.   Start-up life is not quite as abundant with spare time as working for Intuit was, but it’s a lot more fun!

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