[NSRCA-discussion] Strange problem - time for Dr. NSRCA List

Michael Cohen precisionaero at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 17 07:26:08 AKDT 2021

Dear Abbie, during my pre-flight check, I had a strange issue I would like to run by the NSRCA list.  For equipment, I have two PLR5W Voltage Regulators in my plane feeding a Futaba R7008SB receiver.  I am not using SBUS, just classic one servo per port.  Both freshly charged batteries check in with 8.3V with a 2A load.  For initial setup check, I always turn one switch/regulator on, check the control throws with several cycles, turn the second one on, then the first one off, and check control throws again with several cycles.  Today, with that second one on only, the ailerons or rudder would either freeze for a second or oscillate on their own for a cycle or two intermittently.   I check each one independently and together several times and when the first one was on by itself or both were on together, the problem did not occur.   That second one, even when swapping batteries, had the same issue.  Needless to day, I shut down, disassembled, and headed home for some more testing.

At home, I swapped the port in the receiver and that second regulator was using to the one the first one was plugged into and had no issues.  So, maybe the receiver has an issue????  So, I switched it back, and behold, no issues!!!!!  WHAT????  I did a lot of testing swapping ports and batteries and no combination of single power to the receiver causes the problem to repeat.   Any ideas?

Mike C

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