[NSRCA-discussion] trimming

james woodward jimwoodward89 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 15:04:54 AKDT 2019

.. Try less wing incidence.

John & List - been a long Time.  Hope your are well.   Here are my setup

1.  Speed:  Define the speed envelope 1st.  Pick you prop, Throttle curve,
be consistent.  "Trim" at the contest round flying pace.

2. CG - Three critical checks to being correct:
     a.  Spin:  Rearward enough so you can "park" it on a spin entry with a
mild head wind.  If your spin entries are always mushing forward - CG too
far forward.
     b.  Landing:  With downline mix turned off - plane "glides" in nicely,
flares easily, and slows easily.  If your landing is hot, or you find
running out of elevator, CG too far forward.
     c.  45 Inverted upline:  Plane needs to continue the line for a while
then start big loop back to Mother Earth.

3. Incidences
     a. Engine (1 prop):  Zero, leaning negative 1/2'sh degree
     b.  Stab:  Zero
     c.  Wing (mono):  Using Robart meter - split the 1/4-1/2 degree.  Read
from the same side of the meter all the time (don't flip is 1/80 per half,

4.  Mixes:
     a.  Resist the urge to change the airframe to "get rid" of mixes.  IE,
it is very easy to move CG and such, to get rid of a particular tendency.
I would like to suggest that this is generally a bad idea.
     b. Futaba:  Use the "EXP 1" Mix for everything.  The purpose of this
is that generally, you need a small amount of mix immediately off of
center, and not much more out at the end of travel.  My plane may have 3%
of Elector mix, with +70% expo, so that the "mix" happens very quickly off
of center.  I think this is  a more useful mix, because (mostly), very low
amounts of actual rudder throw are used in flight (baring stall turn &
    c.  Rudd-Elev (EXPO Mix), Rudd-Ail (Expo Mix), Elev-Tht (Point Mix),
(use your imagination after those :) to handle individual airframe
characterisitcs.  About 1/2 the planes I've owned need couple percent of
LEFT Rudder (Slave) mixed to Down Elevator (Master) (helps with corner

My theory is this:  "... run the least angular difference between the
engine, wing, stab, with CG set so you can park a spin entry (or mild mush
forward if dead calm)."  The CG is the invisible geometric "switch" that is
always working as you roll the plane.


On Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 2:44 PM John Fuqua via NSRCA-discussion <
nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> wrote:

> Real quite on the list.   Need some advice.    What is the trimming fix
> for a plane that is pulling to the canopy in a vertical upline ??
> John
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