[NSRCA-discussion] Commendation

Mike Mueller mups53 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 02:58:16 AKDT 2018

 Hi Don
 Boy, you hit the nail on the head with this post.
 All 3 of these men are a credit to our sport.
 Mike Mueller

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On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 9:58 AM, Don Ramsey via NSRCA-discussion <
nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> wrote:

> These 3 individuals should be commended for going above and beyond in
> their judging efforts.  Brenner Sharp seemed to be in the judging chair
> every time I saw him.  He did at least 4 rounds.  Derek Emmett was the
> same. One round of Masters, FAI semi finals, help train a new pilot that
> had never judged in an Advanced round and some rounds of the finals.  Joe
> Dunnaway did a round of FAI, FAI semi finals, Masters finals and FAI
> finals.  Pat these guys on the back the next time you see them.  I’m sure
> there were others that did the same I’m just not aware of them.
> Don Ramsye
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