[NSRCA-discussion] Zero Judges at WC's

Charles Hochhalter cahochhalter at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 14 10:12:28 AKST 2017

The cost to add zero judges would be around 4 -6 grand each unless you pulled from contestants... which probably  wouldnt happen. 

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  On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Jeff Worsham via NSRCA-discussion<nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> wrote:   What would it take for FAI to require a minimum # of zero judges at future WC’s?  IE: at least two designated zero judges required for every semi’s and finals round.  With the increase in complexity of maneuvers in F and unknown sequences, sounds like the judging load may be exceeding what even the most experienced of judges can keep up with at a WC.  On top of increased judging load, add poor visibility, poor conditions, etc and the chance for error goes up even more.  Jeff_______________________________________________
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