[NSRCA-discussion] Sorry for the missed emails

Herb Kurlan herbkurlan at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 31 16:58:15 AKDT 2015

Good to be busy.

-------- Original message --------
From: Mike Mueller via NSRCA-discussion <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> 
Date: 10/31/2015  5:13 PM  (GMT-08:00) 
To: nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org 
Subject: [NSRCA-discussion] Sorry for the missed emails 

Guys my apologies for missing emails.
 It simply boils down to having too many email accounts.
 With F3AUnlimited.com and Gator-RC.com and 4 old ones before being in business I have 14 email accounts.
 AOL for Facebook
 Yahoo for a lot of reasons
Gmail for the NSRCA
and 11 with Sales, Mike, Mikemueller, paypal, tech and all the other goodies that come with a larger scale e commerce business
 I probably need to get rid of some but on the other hand I don't want to clutter the business emails.
 I consolidated many into outlook but it's somewhat limited with the 100+ emails I receive daily.
 If you need to really contact me I highly suggest
mikemueller at f3aunlimited.com
or mike at f3aunlimited.com
or call us at 800 591 2875
 I make time and try very hard to be prompt with all aspects of customer inquiry's.
 Thanks and have a great day.
 Mike Mueller
F3AUnlimited.com and Gator-RC.com

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