[NSRCA-discussion] Virtual Caller for iOS

Peter Vogel vogel.peter at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 15:32:39 AKST 2014

Thanks Keith!

I tend to agree with you.  I actually work in the developer platform space (
http://developer.intuit.com is my baby) and so I interact with a lot of
developers on a daily basis.  What I've heard from them is very similar,
Android user base is much larger, but the base of Android users willing to
PAY for an app is a very small percentage of the Android user base whereas
it's nearly 100% of the apple user base.  Add on top of that the
fragmentation of the Android platform (which I see even in the little
caller app not working on some of the Samsung devices) and it becomes more
of a marketing investment (get us on the Google Play store/ get us on the
App Store) so that people believe they have a choice to continue to use the
app if they switch away from Apple than it is an actual investment in a
product for Android users.

That said, the pattern community is usually willing to spend some bucks for
something that's valuable to them, and it's worthwhile for me to continue
to plug away at building the app for Android users as well.  It also keeps
my technical edge sharp :-)


On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Keith Black <tkeithblack at gmail.com> wrote:
> Peter, this effort is awesome, way to go. I fear you may learn the true
> meaning of "No good dead goes unpunished". :)
> Regarding the Android version, at my company (an online brokerage for
> active traders) we found that though Android has a large footprint in the
> market there seems to be a big disparity in adoption between iOS and
> Android. We have MANY more iOS users than Android even though the products
> are virtually identical in functionality. It seems that Android users very
> generally fall into one of three buckets 1) nerdy tinkerers, 2) anti-Apple,
> or 3) lower income. This is clearly a VERY broad generalization I know, but
> seems to be a pattern I've noticed.
> For the pattern community (not a lower income crowd) I'll bet you have a
> much larger iOS adoption than Android.
> Just sayin'
> Thanks for doing this and for donating to the F3A teams!
> Keith
> On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 11:18 PM, Peter Vogel via NSRCA-discussion <
> nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> wrote:
>> 51.5% Android in North America, down from 52.5 the quarter prior. But
>> yeah, Android is coming
>> Get Acompli <http://t.acompli.com/ac_sig_5> email app now
>> On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 9:15 PM -0800, "Dave Lockhart" <
>> DaveL322 at comcast.net> wrote:
>>  Pete,
>>> F3P currently only has the AP15 and AF15 sequences which are in the FAI
>>> book (with F3A P15 and F15).  In North America, we are flying provisional
>>> Sportsman and Intermediate sequences which can be found at:
>>> http://xavier.mouraux.com/indoor/files/sequences-f3p-2014-2014-10-20.pdf
>>> PITA or not (and I believe you it is a PITA), Android is now something
>>> like 85% of the smart phone sales.
>>> Thanks again!!
>>> Regards,
>>> Dave
>>> *From:* NSRCA-discussion [mailto:
>>> nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] *On Behalf Of *Peter Vogel
>>> via NSRCA-discussion
>>> *Sent:* Monday, December 08, 2014 11:59 PM
>>> *To:* Paul Hepworth; General pattern discussion
>>> *Subject:* Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Virtual Caller for iOS
>>> It has all the F3A and CPA sequences. If someone sends me a pointer to
>>> the F3P sequences I can add them for everyone, but you can add sequences
>>> for yourself as well (or edit existing sequences to call the way you like)
>>> from the app.
>>> Peter+
>>> Get Acompli <http://t.acompli.com/ac_sig_5> email app now
>>> On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 8:56 PM -0800, "Paul Hepworth via
>>> NSRCA-discussion" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org> wrote:
>>> Team Canada greatly appreciates :)
>>> Great idea, does this include all the sequence?  Will it be available on
>>> android?
>>> I will forward the link on to our f3p Canada Facebook group.
>>> Paul Hepworth,  Canadian f3p team
>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>>> <https://overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android>
>>> From:"Dave Lockhart via NSRCA-discussion" <
>>> nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
>>> Date:Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 23:39
>>> Subject:Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Virtual Caller for iOS
>>> Peter,
>>> On behalf of the USA 2015 F3P Team – THANKS!!!!
>>> We will get this posted in some threads the F3P team is involved with.
>>> Feedback – when will it be available for my Note 3 (using Android) J
>>> Regards,
>>> Dave Lockhart, 2015 F3P Team Manager
>>> http://www.teamusaf3p.com/
>>> *From:* NSRCA-discussion [
>>> mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
>>> <nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org>] *On Behalf Of *Peter Vogel
>>> via NSRCA-discussion
>>> *Sent:* Monday, December 08, 2014 4:56 PM
>>> *To:* General pattern discussion
>>> *Subject:* [NSRCA-discussion] Virtual Caller for iOS
>>> Given that every sequence is changing for next year, it seems a good
>>> time to introduce people to the virtual caller application I listed on the
>>> Apple App Store yesterday:
>>> Video of it in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOEfi3VqnCQ
>>> Get it on the Apple App Store: https://t.co/aIBFvQBsuI
>>> Available now for a limited time at $1.99, price will increase soon to
>>> $2.99 This will work with every iOS device out there -- iPod touch, iPhone,
>>> iPad Mini, etc. (though I wouldn't want to put an iPad on the bottom of my
>>> transmitter to use the tilt control!) but the screen format is optimized
>>> for iPhone/iPod touch.  You will need to be on the network the first time
>>> you run so it can download the sequences from the cloud.
>>> *All profits go to F3A Team USA* -- if you are Canadian and buy it,
>>> shoot me a note and I'll apply profits from your purchase to *F3A Team
>>> Canada*!  If you prefer the donation to go to F3P Team USA, shoot me a
>>> note and I'll apply the profits to *F3P* :-)
>>> I*'ll add $1.00 per review of the app that hits the app store this week
>>> to my donation!*  Be sure to mention in the review if you fly/support
>>> F3A or F3P (or both).
>>> This is the product of 100's of hours of development, not so much
>>> because the app is complex or hard (it wasn't) but getting a method of
>>> controlling the caller that works in field conditions took a lot of trial &
>>> error.
>>> Your feedback is welcome!
>>> Peter+
>>> --
>>> Director, Fixed Wing Flight Training
>>> Santa Clara County Model Aircraft Skypark
>>> Associate Vice President, Academy of Model Aeronautics District X
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Director, Fixed Wing Flight Training
Santa Clara County Model Aircraft Skypark
Associate Vice President, Academy of Model Aeronautics District X
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