[NSRCA-discussion] Judging question for the experts

tocdon at netscape.net tocdon at netscape.net
Sun Feb 24 18:17:09 AKST 2013

P.S. the Northern Virginia judging clinic date has been set at 30 March at LCAA.  Sorry, but we will start later- (9 a.m.) and try and be completed by 2:30 if weather is bad, 4 PM or later if you want to stay and do the flight portion.  NVRC will be providing lunch for all attendees. 


-----Original Message-----
From: tocdon <tocdon at netscape.net>
To: nsrca-discussion <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
Sent: Sun, Feb 24, 2013 10:13 pm
Subject: Judging question for the experts

A question on radius judging.  Tight radius (or loose radius) manevuer segments are subject to downgrade in FAI.  What constitutes a tight radius?  Physically tight (in feet, for example), or tight (fast speed through the radius giving the impression that the plane is pulling excessive g's, however that is interpreted).   A slow flying radius could be extremely tight, for example the last radius at the bottom of the triangle loop (135 degree pull) or figure Z.

Best regards,
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