[NSRCA-discussion] Aresti Question

Bill's Email silentav8r at cox.net
Fri Dec 14 16:30:43 AKST 2012

I am not sure I understand the issue. Why is using a non-standard arrow 
the line that cannot be crossed?? We already completely make up things 
like Cobra Rolls, the afore mentioned double Immelman, double stall 
turns, triangle "loops", roll elements that violate Aresti construction 
rules and so on? But making up an arrow to indicate a slow roll is too 
much?? Really.


On 12/14/12 4:13 PM, Jack Keiser wrote:
> Doug is correct. There is a "super slow roll" indicated by a double 
> headed arrow in the Glider section of the 2012 Aresti catalog. Its not 
> applicable to IAC Powered sequences but that doesn't prevent it's 
> symbol from being used by the pattern community. Its defined as a slow 
> roll which takes 10 or more seconds to complete a 360deg roll. No 
> reason why it can't be used to indicate the 3-5 sec slow roll for AMA 
> pattern.

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