[NSRCA-discussion] No telemetry rule & new radio systems

John Ford astropattern at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 19 16:03:41 AKST 2011

I would speculate that the term "feedback" means a closed control loop where the telemetry data would actually become pre-programed data input to the TX software such that throttle, rates, flight conditions, or mixes would actually be modified by the software in real time. That would certainly be a game-changer! 
Just having open telemetry isn't an advantage...it's probably a distraction, unless you alarm on Rx battery voltage or something like that. 


On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 5:37 PM EST Peter Vogel wrote:

>So I'm looking at section 4.4 of the AMA Competition regulations here:
>I see the following emphasis mine:
>Radio control equipment shall be of the open loop type
>(i.e. *no electronic feedback from the model to the *
>It then goes on to provide examples of what is/is not permitted:
>Examples of control functions not permitted:
>8) Electronic or other signal or feedback
>from the model of *any kind.*
>I believe the verbiage needs to be changed to reflect the spirit and intent
>of the rule, which is to prevent telemetry data (i.e. heading, airspeed,
>etc.) that would provide an advantage in precision to the pilot flying with
>said equipment.  Basic telemetry data such as the state of charge for the
>reciever and main system batteries (in the case of an electric) model
>and/or engine/motor temperature, RPM, etc. provide no such advantage and
>should be permitted as it enhances flight safety and provides some
>protection for the airframes themselves.
>Rex, says that "it goes on to say that the rule is to prevent
>pre-programmed control of the aircraft such as timed snaps" but I believe
>those are distinct sentences, the RC equipment must be open loop with no
>feedback from the model to the ground.  Period, full stop.  Then it goes on
>with additional requirements distinct from the RC TX/RX: Autopilots are
>prohibited (i.e. devices such as the UAVDev board or Ardupilot or the new
>AS3X from Horizon would be prohibited, even though they are not closed-loop
>control systems.  Further, automatic control sequencing or control timing
>devices (which I have always read as preventing the use of snap button
>functions on modern computer transmitters) are prohibited.  I've wondered
>how that last one is enforced given virtually every computer radio today
>has the ability to assign a snap of any form to any switch or button on the
>transmitter and it would be difficult to check that snap functions are
>inhibited in every contestent's TX.  I have assumed the honor system
>applies.  I would expect the same honor system, with, perhaps, a check of
>winning pilot's telemetry systems in high-stakes events would be sufficient
>to relax the telemetry rule to allow basic telemetry systems such as the
>Hitec, Graupner + Spektrum systems to be permitted.
>On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Richard Lewis <humptybump at sbcglobal.net>wrote:
>> The rule likely needs an update to verbage that is consistent with current
>> technology, but as long as there is no closed loop on any of the telemetry
>> it is well within the "spirit" of the rule to use/allow these systems in
>> pattern...
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* Peter Vogel <vogel.peter at gmail.com>
>> *To:* "nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org
>> >
>> *Sent:* Fri, November 18, 2011 4:20:02 PM
>> *Subject:* [NSRCA-discussion] No telemetry rule & new radio systems
>> I was just reading RCM&E (one of my favorite magazines) and noticed that
>> the latest systems from Graupner and Hitec have telemetry built-in to all
>> RX's, I suspect the others aren't far behind.  With the current rule
>> against any form of downlink from the aircraft, it seems the newer systems
>> will be out of reach to those competing in pattern aerobatics.  I'm just in
>> sportsman, any thought to relaxing the rule to restricting telemetry that
>> might actually be an advantage in competition as opposed to things that can
>> save an airframe like battery voltage data?
>> Peter+
>> Sent from my iPhone4S
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