[NSRCA-discussion] Speaking of the 2011 Worlds at Muncie . . . . .

Anthony Frackowiak frackowiak at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 2 15:07:40 AKDT 2009

I absolutely agree. IRCHA will not move their dates unless forced to  
by the AMA. And I doubt the AMA will do so.

I find it hard to believe that this has not been worked out yet.


On Sep 2, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Bill's Email wrote:

> Anthony Frackowiak wrote:
>> Archie is absolutely correct.
>> Tony
>> On Sep 2, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Archie Stafford wrote:
>>> IRCHA is a totally different animal though.  Kind of like having  
>>> Joe Nall after the pattern worlds.  I’d say most people really  
>>> didn’t care about the F3C worlds.  IRCHA does a lot more 3D stuff.
> And my point was that attracting 900 paid participants to an event  
> is going to give them some clout when it comes to a schedule  
> relative to the pattern NATS. The WC are a different thing, but  
> IRCHA is not likely to budge for the pattern NATS if it came to that.
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