[NSRCA-discussion] Winter Project For Sale

Jay Marshall lightfoot at sc.rr.com
Thu Oct 22 11:50:48 AKDT 2009

I have a partially finished CA Impact which, for various reasons, I don't
anticipate completing. It consists of:

1 - CA Impact composite aircraft with tail feathers finished and servos
installed. Fuse half seams are filled but need sanding

2 - OS 140RX, bench run only (spare bearings & needle included)

3 - OS header

4 - Bolly CF silencer

5 - Soft mount (Hyde?)

6 - 2 new Futaba BLS 451 aileron mounted servos 

7 - 2 new Futaba S9650 elevator servos installed in horz stabs

8 - 1 new Futaba S9151 rudder servo installed

9 - New dual regulators for LiPo batteries

10- Gator adjusters on wings and horz stabs

11 - TT al. spinner


Things to finish:

- fuse seams; sand and prime

- hatch and chin cowl latches

- wheels

- paint & trim

- radio installation

- fuel system


Con: There is a small, 1x1, hole on the top of one of the horz stabs (don't
ask!). Composite material to repair is included.


No shipping. Will deliver to Green Sea contest, otherwise one can pick up in
Charleston SC.


Price:  $1400

Folks, this is less than the cost of the hardware, and doesn't even include
the cost of the Impact!

Pictures available. 

Contact at lightfoot at sc.rr.com <mailto:lifhtfoot at sc.rr.com>  or

Jay Marshall 


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