[NSRCA-discussion] Futaba 12 FG question

John Fuqua johnfuqua at embarqmail.com
Tue May 5 16:05:25 AKDT 2009

I have an interesting and perplexing thing going on with my 12 FGA Futaba
2.4ghz transmitter that is not duplicated by others here locally.  I thought
I would throw it out to the list and see if anyone else has noticed this


When I turn on my 12FGA 2.4 TX it takes all my 2.4 ghz receivers (7 ch, 8
ch, 14 ch) about 1 or 2 seconds before any control surfaces neutralize.
With Ron Van Putte's 12 FGA 2.4 and his 14 ch rx it is instantaneous.  We
checked a 14MZ 2.4 tx with an 8 ch Rx and it is about the same as Ron's.  


Has anyone else using the 12 FGA noticed this.  This does not seem to affect
performance but I am puzzled why I see this time differential to neutralize.




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