[NSRCA-discussion] Battery source

Bill's Email wemodels at cox.net
Fri Jun 5 08:34:17 AKDT 2009

Speaking of batteries, not sure if people know about RC Lipos.com   

They have a PolyRC 5S 5,350 mAh 16C pack for $157. Weighs 622 grams. 
These are great cells 100% Enerland cells.

These are the exact same packs as the brand named "PolyQuest", just a 
different label. I've used the PolyRC cells for a few years now and have 
found them to be superb cells with great performance. Plus Pat at RC 
Lipos is a great guy to deal with. And he has FREE world wide shipping.


And I think I may have gotten the last TP 5S2P 5300 packs in existence 
from him yesterday. TP is likely going to stop making this pack because 
they do not like the parallel arrangement. The good news is they are 
going to keep making the 2600 mAh V2 cells used in  this pack so you can 
still make up DIY packs. The parallel arrangement has a clear advantage 
over a 1P set up that it may be worthwhile dealing with the 4 packs.  
The bonus would be that each pack will have its own balance tap that way.

Anyhow, keep RC Lipos in mind. Excellent company to deal with.

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