[NSRCA-discussion] List functioning

Tom Simes simestd at netexpress.com
Wed Jul 8 08:47:38 AKDT 2009

On Tue, 7 Jul 2009 17:11:27 -0400 (EDT)
Paul Brine <pbrine at uoguelph.ca> wrote:

> Is the list functioning?
> I haven't received any emails or been able to access the archives and
> emails sent to "mail-owner" bounce.

Can you give me an example of the bounce message, or at least the
complete e-mail address that is generating bounces?

I did just find that the web server (apache) process on the list server
had died for some reason and I've restarted it so you should be able to
see the archives now.  The web server is a separate process from the
mailing list software that distributes messages, so the list wasn't down
- just the web front end for the archives.

Anyway, sorry about that, it's more motiviation for me to set up remote
monitoring of the services on that box.

While I'm in there, I'll also upgrade to the latest point revision of
the mailman software so there may be a few start/stop cycles coming up
but I'll try to keep interruptions to a minimum.

   "Z-80 system stack overflow.  Shut 'er down Scotty, the system's
         sucking mud" - Error message on TRS 80 Model-16B

Tom Simes                                       simestd at netexpress.com 

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