[NSRCA-discussion] Grow Pattern

John Pavlick jpavlick at idseng.com
Sat Jan 31 17:51:12 AKST 2009

Cool. I'll send you something. It wasn't that long ago that I was flying 
Sportsman. Some of the questions that I had when I was learning how to 
survive are still fresh in my head. I'll try to piece something together in 
between the usual distractions (job + consulting work). :)

John Pavlick

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin X. Moleski, SJ" <moleski at canisius.edu>
To: "General pattern discussion" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2009 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Grow Pattern

> John Pavlick wrote:
>> ... I noticed
>> that there is some stuff on the NSRCA site that explains how to get
>> started in Pattern.
> If anyone wants to add to that material, feel free.
> We can make you an administrator on the site so that you
> can add material, edit articles, make menus, etc.
> Or you can compose in your own favorite format and send
> it to me (moleski at canisius.edu) or the webteam
> (nsrca-webteam at lists.nsrca.org) and we can create the
> article for you.
> Two articles that would be nice--if they were kept
> up-to-date--would be "Your first gas-powered
> pattern plane" and "Your first electric-powered
> pattern plane."  Or something along those lines.
> It seems to me that the plans market has not kept
> pace with the developments in pattern design
> (understandably).  Some friendly scratch builder
> might want to write an article like "So you want
> to build your own pattern plane?"
> Next level up: "So you want to design your own
> pattern plane?"
> Once upon a time, there was a book about building
> pattern planes.  I think it went out of print.
> I have a copy.  It's a good book, but it deals
> with state-of-the-art from the 1990s.
> We might think of a "Best of K-Factor" set of
> articles aimed at beginners.
> We can have a board just for beginners if
> Stuart, the Forum Master, agrees.
> The theory of a content management system (CMS)
> is that "content is king."  We're using Joomla
> as our CMS.  I think it is serving us well.
> We could use more and better content ...
> Marty
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